
The Devastating Politics of India - Manan Vasudeva

The Devastating Politics in India

I would love to ask the audience what is national and what is not? And if something is anti-national who are the ones who to decide whether the said thing is anti-national or national? Anti-national states or means that something said is opposing for a country (oxford dictionary).And this Jnu case puts a very interesting debate in front of the nation today and that is “anti-national v/s freedom of speech”. So I tell you some of the key points about the JNU case which can rip the country apart.

So basically if we speak or write something honestly about our country, how can anyone can suit me just upon my opinion and put a legal charge – sedation. It’s just my opinion and I have a right to speech so how can someone put me behind bars? Yes, Kanhaiya Kumar (the president of the students union of Jawaharlal Nehru University) was arrested with the charge of sedation and was put behind the bars. So on what ground can anti-national be judged? I personally fell that anything which opposing for the country should be categorized as an anti-nationalist. The whole JNU case has shaken the world with a bombing a very big debate about anti-national or national. so basically a major party named Bhartiya Janta Party(BJP) is playing a major role in the whole jnu case as they have a affiliated party (ABVP) which is student council of the whole students union. Which in turn is pressurizing against the slogans taken (Pakistan Zindabad etc.) by the students gathering and blaming them as criminals and putting them behind the bars. However the eye witness of the gathering says that they haven’t heard any of the slogans and not even said. So basically the media is playing the key role in convincing the public and making the news with some masala. I can guarantee that this debate will rip the country apart. We can make the amendments in the law , we the citizen of the nation can change the country’s situation, we can do better than yesterday, all we believe in one power. Yes im talking about the monarch system that should be in our country as we can all see that democratic system cannot work the things out. Everyone needs a mentor in their life and a mentor over here we are talking about a king or a queen or dictator. So basically the law of the india and the system on which india runs causes major problems like this jnu case. In the end I would conclude that is charging a person with a person blaming him anti-nation and putting him behind the bars valid?

Manan Vasudeva            


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