
Should India learn a lesson from the Pathankot incident?

A major disaster inside the Pathankot Air Force Station was averted early on 2nd of January. It went over for nearly 80 hours and is a reminiscent of 26/11 an incident which devastated the full proof defence plan of India. It was suspected that the terrorists belonged to the Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist group. The strike at the airbase in Pathankot was loaded with questions. It was not clear who was directing the operation and from where. Cross border terrorists’ attacks in Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir have established a clear pattern but security forces have failed to learn from it. While great care and caution have to be exercised in counter terrorism operations, a sense of urgency to terminate the operation is missing.  This prompts an inquiry that is India genuine about fighting terrorism? We were able to reduce the danger of the attack and could successfully prevent the terrorists from destroying our aviation assets. In any case, this is extremely heartbreaking that despite the fact that we knew about the attack, regardless we lost 7 jewels. Is it true that we are going to treat these attacks the same way until the end of time? Every one of the countries truly need to battle terrorism. There is a compelling impulse for this to be finished. Indians are pointing the finger at Pakistanis, to what degree is it right? Statements are being made that whenever India has tried to establish friendly relations with Pakistan, we have always got perfidy. Why do we forget that every year the number of Pakistanis who die in militant attacks is more than the number of Indians who die in such attacks? The assault at the Pathankot air base has demonstrated that India's status to protect and forestall such attacks is well less than impressive. There needs to be fraternity among all the nations and leaving aside our meanness and interest we should use all our power to combat terrorism.

-Aakriti Bansal

1 comment:

  1. This is a blog post that might have been more suitable for an IR Class. This being a comparative politics class what could be the relevance?
