
Religion and Politics

Politics is the way through which we occupy the government, rule the country and establish contacts with the mass. On the other hand, religion is the most sensitive way through which we take ourselves to a completely different world which is transcendental.

Interference of religion in politics has so many disadvantages like law and order could be break due to which violence can happen and will cause thousands of killings and deaths. For example the case of destruction of disputed structure of Ayodhya, as a result there was communal violence all over the India. At that time people were completely out of their minds and were out to destroy their religions rivals. Then the case was given to the Supreme Court and the government is bound to follow its judgement.

Earlier, religion in politics was used for the good of people and country but now it's totally different religion and politics have been mixed together in a society which has created a chaotic situation and we are completely confused. This chaotic situation is happening because of the selfish politicians. They are not worried about the welfare of the nation, they are just thinking of their own benefit and next elections. Religion is not only playing a role to choose a political party leader but also using while gaining votes. Politicians make all efforts to win over the majority of the people in their favour, they apply every possibilities for example they use money, caste-factor, regionalism, lingualism, etc for this purpose.






1 comment:

  1. "Earlier, religion in politics was used for the good of people..." When was this the case in India or elsewhere?
    You should use concrete tools from the class when you make a blog post.
