
Jats Protect against National Diversity and Unity

​     Jats Protect against National Diversity and Unity


The Last week of Feb. , 2016 was the blackest period in the history of Haryana State which had so far been known for its simple and hardworking people of all communities living together with no communal harmony.  Violence and clashes did occur and were often taking place in the other Sates for communal and the other reasons. Though agitations have been taking place for various causes in the state as well but it never took  so ugly and inhuman turn various commercial places were set on fire, millionaires overnight made paupers, Traffic jams, stranded thousands of people for couple of days at places which is strange to them, many with no money or resources to fend or to feed   themselves.  Serious patients moving out for the treatments to bigger cities were left suffering in pain.  Small children were crying due to hunger.  Unfortunate people on the road were caught unaware.  They were dragged out and beaten., their  female companions humiliated, dragged to fields and they were ganged raped. They were left there with clothes torn in the dark hours. Any one would shudder just on the imagination of innocent travellers bleeding on the roads, patients and children crying for help, ladies gang raped, whole life belongings of the helpless business people burning before their eyes and they overnight reduced to the rank of paupers.


More un-precedented was that when this reckless and lawlessness was spreading all-round, administrations, the police, the army called to the handle the emergency looked the other way quietly and helplessly.  The public wonder struck and shocked was amazed at the inept handing of so serious a law and order problem.  Their faith in the administration in the administration was badly shaken.  Even some of the police personnel were also a party to this of awful state  of affairs.


An other unprecended matter news flashed on media that the political advisor of the last chief minister was heard on tape to inclining the people of the districts asking them why they were not acting on the lines of happenings in Rothak – the epicenter of the violence and also the home place of the same Chief Minister.


Again unprecedented but logical was the reaction of common people who not only threw shoes at him but he also was not even allowed to enter Rothak and was forced to go back to Delhi.  Even the administration, advised the ex Chief Minister not to enter Rothak. How inglorious that a political party could come down to such a low level that one of its most important functionaries of the status of chief minister and his assistant were found behind such hateful law and order breakdown and No higher leader of the party uttering a word except actively playing the role of opposition party to the condemn and not jump in the act for the help of the people.


There had been precedents of riots on communal basis but it is unheard in the history that people of one caste chose to demolish people of other castes of the same religion.


One silver living in this most unfortunate episode was that many good Samaritans and organizations jumped in all places to provide food, shelter, and all help to the stranded and affected people. These people worked day and night to stand by their unlucky brothers. It is on the shoulder of such virtuous people that society stands.


Coming to the facts, it started with the demand for reservation of Jats in backward category Whether genuine or not, was a matter of debate, which could have been sorted out peacefully. Harsh measures like gheroing the political leaders, their residences, Vidan Sabha or Lok Sabha, could be an other choice.  They could have held meetings and processions to win the support of the common people to achieve their goal.



By no stretch of imagination their acts of violence can ever be justified. A country, which could win its independence from British by peaceful means, its people now resorting to such cruel behavior towards their own people could never be dreamt of.  What had the trains and buses done which were burnt causing a loss of about 35 thousand crores to the nation.  Their own money paid by the way of taxes was burnt uselessly, pushing Haryana and its growth back by decades.  Haryana which was taken as kala pani of joint Punjab, with its hard work, labour and planning had ranked itself to one of the top position, was pulled down by such reckless people, sponsored by irresponsible politicians letting loose the anti-social elements to have a "free for all" show.


The danger is not over but is still looming over the State. It has only been postponed for few weeks. If a solution is not found, it may stage a come back with vengeance, may be in other states as well.


Let us pray Jats see to reason, the Government acts swiftly and wisely so that the calamity does not show its ugly face again.


Rhythm Miglani



  1. Its about the jaat agetation seeking reservation as backword class which unfortunately was miss carried and resulted in the commiting of various crimes arson, looting, rapesand muders of many innosence.
