
Feedback on Research Paper Ideas

Dear Students,

Please find the feedback on the research paper ideas which have been submitted so far below. You should meet the TA to discuss your paper.

You can also discuss the paper with me on Tuesday afternoon.

Under each item,
the theme suggested by the student is mentioned,
then the resources they intend to consult, followed by

my comment. 

1. Policy-making processes   
Chapter - 4 : Constituitions, Policy making and Legislating; Regime type and change    POLITICAL THEORY - BHARGAVA   
What is it about regime type and change that you are interested in? How will the work by Bhargava help you?

2. Participation and representation   
"Dreze, Jean, and Amartya Kumar Sen. India: Development and participation. Oxford University Press, USA, 2002.
Krishna, Anirudh. ""Enhancing Political Participation in Democracies What is the Role of Social Capital?."" Comparative Political Studies 35.4 (2002): 437-460.
 Cornwall, Andrea, and Vera Schatten Coelho. Spaces for change?: the politics of citizen participation in new democratic arenas. Vol. 4. Zed Books, 2007.
 Kohli, Atul, ed. India's democracy: An analysis of changing state-society relations. Princeton University Press, 2014.
 Mueller, Ulrike. ""Lost in Representation? Feminist identity Economics and Women's Agency in India's Local Governments."" Feminist Economics 22.1 (2016): 158-182.
What about participation and representation are you interested in?

3. Political economy   
" theories of comparative politica by ronald h. chilcote
political economy: a comparative approach "   
Is there a specific question?

4. Political development   
Is there a specific question you have in mind about political development?

5. Political development   
JSTOR , a critique of current studies on political development and modernization author(s) CHONG DO HAH JEANNE SCHNEIDER published by the new school.    
Is there a specific question?

6. Regime type and change   
Not clear at all what you are interested in

7. Participation and representation   
Not clear at all what you are interested in

8. Policy-making processes   
Not clear at all what you are interested in

9. Participation and representation   
wars guns and votes democracy in dangerous places by Paul Collier   
What is the specific question?

10. Political development, Regime type and change, Policy-making processes   
Iranian Nuclear Crisis by Syed Houssain Mousavian, Mossad by Michael Bar Zohar, Saddam The Secret Life by Con Coughlin and Among the Ruins : Syria Past and Present by Christian Sahner   
This reads like an IR paper.

11. Policy-making processes   
"How effective is the media as an institution in a democracy?

12. Political economy   
Green Growth, Energy Transformations, and the Climate Debate: Domestic and International Issues. While the Climate problem is ‘global’, the solutions will lie in major part in the transition of domestic energy systems from high carbon low efficiency to high efficiency low carbon. That transformation will be costly in the short run and does not produce automatic or evident economic gain. Why do some countries pursue strategies to transform energy systems while others do not? Can Green Sustain Growth?
Interesting topic.

13. Political development, Regime type and change   
Leadership Change in Communist States by Raymond Taras"   
What is the specific question?

14. Regime type and change    
World since 1945, NY Times articles    
What is the specific question?

15. Political economy   
Less developed and Newly - industrialised countries and Political economy of Arab gulf states by Kristian Coates Ulrichsen.   
What is the specific question?

16. Participation and representation  
 "Women in politics: A case study of Iran
The situation of women in politics "  

17. Political development, Participation and representation   
The idea of Pakistan, Policy modernisation of military , Security in South Asia- Cohen   
What is the specific question?

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